Hi, I'm Julia!

I'm a Women's Mentor and Nervous System Coach and I help women reconnect with their body and inner guidance.

The Art of Reconnection.

I've spent years feeling like a stranger to my body, emotions, and inner voice.

Loneliness, discomfort, constant agitation and anxiety led me to burnout at 25.

But deep in my heart, I knew life had more to offer. I longed for depth, understanding, and a genuine connection with myself and others.

What I didn't know back then: I had the keys to transformation within me all along.

The first key was discovering the wisdom of Yoga, Tantra, and Taoism, finding tools to reconnect with and appreciate my feminine essence.

For the first time in my life, I felt deep love and compassion towards myself.

The second key was discovering the power of my nervous system.

After burnout, my therapist suggested exploring and learning about the nervous system, as she was convinced it could support me on my healing journey.

And not only did it support me..

it has changed my life.

I realized I had the power within me to rewrite patterns that didn't serve me anymore.

Transformation became straightforward, accessible, and without unnecessary complexity.

As a coach, my approach is grounded in the intersection of neuroscience, hands-on somatic practices, and the wisdom of spiritual teachings.

Through my own journey, I've experienced the power of embodiment and listening to the whispers of my heart. It is this personal journey that fuels my passion to guide others on their own path of self-discovery.

I know that the journey isn't always easy. It takes courage to unravel the layers that hold us back, to embrace our true essence.

But I also know the immense joy and fulfilment that awaits on the other side.

You deserve a life of joy, deep connection, radiance and abundant sensuality, and it’s my mission to be with you in every step of the way.

Do you want to join forces and create something extraordinary?